World Forum of Fisher Peoples[WFFP] Coordinating Committee Meeting - Rome, Italy
November 14-16, 2009
In attendance:
Naseegh Jaffer (Co-Coordinator), Sherry Pictou (Co-Coordinator), Herman Kumara (General Secretary), Natalia Laino (Treasurer), Jorge Varela (Latin America), Sid’Ahmed Abeid (Africa), Andrew Johnston (SA - observer), Arthur Bull (Canada – observer and interpreter)
Decision 1
Naseegh was designated the chair of the session and called the meeting to order. It was decided that, in the light of a shortage of a quorum, that all decisions be ratified at a later meeting of the CC.
The meeting adopted the following agenda:
Finances and preparations for the World Food Summit (WFS)
The venue for the General Assembly
Planning and preparation for the GA5
SSF–UN direct integration (emanating from the discussions in Bangkok 2008)
Decision 2
Expenses and the WFS:
It was decided that the extra accommodation for the CC meeting in Rome be cancelled and that WFFP carry the costs of the 200Euro paid in advance. WFFP will pay IPC for the two nights accommodation for the 4 members who arrived early for the WFS and the CC meeting. It was agreed to pay each member 40 euro pd per diem for each day (in Rome) not funded by IPC and 30euro for those who needed transfer costs covered. Natalia tabled the latest WFFP Bank Statement from Spain. Naseegh and Nathalia should prepare an updated financial report. It was also agreed that if the IPC will not cover Sherry Pictou’s air-travel expenses then the WFFP should do so.
Decision 3
5th General Assembly at Pakistan
After email communication with PFF (during the meeting) regarding security concerns in Pakistan as expressed by some members, it was reaffirmed that the next GA should be held in Pakistan as originally planned. It was decided that Herman should visit Pakistan to explore the situation and to report back in January 2010. Herman and Nathalia was mandated to prepare a budget for this trip and to ensure that enough funds are available for it.
Decision 4
The Secretariat will contact all members to finalise the list of delegates to the GA5 by March, 2009.
Decision 5
It was decided that, if needed, then Mauritania will host the GA5 as a backup plan.
Decision 6
It was decided that the WFFP policy document should be reviewed for improvement at the next GA. A committee of Arthur, Herman and Andy was asked to liaise with member organisation so that a draft document can be prepared in time for distribution before GA5.
Decision 7
It was decided to appoint a sub committee consisting of Naseegh, Herman and Sherry to formulate funding proposals for GA5 and to submit these to potential donors.
Decision 8
It was decided by the CC initiate discussions with ICSF to jointly explore on how the ‘small scale fishery’ can be integrated into the UN System.
Decision 9
The meeting extended its thoughts and prayers to Harekrishna Debnath (India) and Thomas Kocherry (Special Invitee) who are recovering from serious illness.
Decision 10
The meeting acknowledged Herman’s hard work in coordinating the WFS parallel civil society forum on food sovereignty as a representative of WFFP and also thanked Arthur and Jorge for doing translations at this meeting.
The meeting ended at 10pm on 16th November 2009
WFFP-CC meeting 2008
17 October 2008
Venue: Grand Ayudhaya Hotel (4th Floor), Bankok, Thailand
Present: Dao Gaye, J.C. Yoyotte, Harekrishna Debnath, Thomas Kocherry, Nathalia Lainio, Herman Kumara, Abdullah Coso, Hussein Mohommed, Sherry Pictou, Arthur Bull, Marie Ademar, Sid’ahmed, Naseegh Jaffer
Absent: Tahira Ali, Muhammad Ali,
Apologies from Pauline Tangiora
Translators: Alexis, Nicolas, Xavier
Rapporteur: Siddharth Suresh, Tanu Thomas Kallivayalil,
Decision A:
It was decided to convene the meetings as official CC meeting of WFFP on 11,12,17 and 18 October.
Decision B:
It was decided to invite Arthur Bull and Abdullah Coso and Hussein Mohommed of PFF Pakistan to invite the WFFP CC meeting held at Bangkok, 2008.
Decision C
It was decided to confirm the GA 5 details in Pakistan would be decided first before Alexis leaves.
Decision D
It was decided to hold the GA 5 in Pakistan during the first week of November 2010 for five days. About 130 people, including Pakistani delegates, will attend. Lodging and boarding will be looked after by the local hosts.
Decision E
It was decided that the next CC meeting will be held in Guadaloupe for five days. Lodging, boarding will be looked after by hosts.
Decision F
It was decided that some organizations from the Carribbean would be invited to join the CC meeting.
Decision G
In following up with the consensus statement, we continue with the group of 108 civil society group who agreed to the consensus statement.
Decision H
The meeting agrees that the four officials co-ordinate meeting with the DDG FAO Rome when they next meet at the IPC in order to plan for COFI 2009. Preparing for COFI will proceed with Thomas’s help along with Nathalia, Sherry, Naseegh, Herman and Arthur.
Decision I
Herman must meet with Nathalia and hand over all the books. Nathalia will manage and administer the bank accounts and keep the documents. She will then send if for audit each year.
Decision J
It was decided to close the WFFP French bank account and send a letter to the French Bank to that effect.
Decision K
The meeting thanks those who have paid their own expenses.
Decision L
The finalization of the income and the expenditures around 4SSF must be concluded by Herman and not by Nathalia due to the complexities involved. Naseegh will help. Only after this is finished will it be handed over to Nathalia. The audit for this year will be done by Herman due to the complexities involved. Once the audit is done, the books be circulated so everyone is aware.
Note: The audit will close with 4SSF.
Decision L
All communication to be in all three languages. Website will also be managed in three languages.
Decision M
The CC meeting acdept the membership application from Panglima Laot from Aceh and Malaysian Inshore Fishermen Network. They will be issued with the constitution and inform them to pay the membership fee.
Decision N:
WFFP thanks the translators and rapporteurs.
The cc expresses its thanks and appreciation to people who have covered their own costs to Bangkok. This includes, Nicholas, Yoyote, Sherry, Arthur and Naseegh. The CC also expresses its heartfelt gratitude to SDF, FSF and Ravadee. The CC requests the General Secretary to write a letter to Ravadee to this effect and to request her to maintain this relationship. Naseegh is requested to prepare a proposal to organize for funding for a WFFP programme for professional translation and a professional webite. The proposal should go to NOVIB, CCFD and Development and Peace.