ENGLISH- Constitution

World Forum of Fisher Peoples Constitution


We, the Fisher Peoples of the world,

United under the banner of


With the aim of protecting our livelihood,

Upholding fishing rights, human rights, fundamental rights,

social justice and community responsibilities,

And preserving and promoting our culture,

Affirming water as the source of all life,

Committing ourselves to sustain fisheries and aquatic resources

for the present and for future generations,

Gathered in Luctody, France,

Solemnly bind ourselves to abide by this Constitution,

We adapt on this day, the sixth of October 2000.


Article 1: Objectives

The objectives of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) are:

a) To protect, defend and strengthen the communities that depend on the fishery for their livelihood.

b) To assist member organizations to secure and improve upon the economic viability and quality of life of Fisher Peoples and their communities.

c) To recognize, support and enhance the role of women in the social, economic, political and cultural life of the fishing community.

d) To create an understanding of the resource as a common heritage of humanity and, through sustainable fishing practices, conservation, and regeneration of the marine and inland resources and ecosystems, to ensure that it is passed on to future generations.

e) To protect fishing communities, fish resources and fish habitats, such as coastal zones, watersheds and mangroves, from land-based, sea-based and air-based threats. These include displacement by tourism, pollution (including the use of the sea as a dumping ground for toxic waste), destructive industrial aquaculture, over-fishing and destructive fishing practices.

f) To establish and assert the rights of fishing communities to their customary territories in the coastal zone under their national jurisdiction for fishing and habitation.

g) To promote a legal regime that will ensure the traditional and customary rights of fishing communities to the fishery under their national jurisdiction.

h) To promote the primary role of fisher-peoples’ organizations in managing fisheries and oceans, nationally and internationally.

i) To protect food security, both locally and worldwide, by sustaining fish stocks for the future, and by preserving fish for human consumption.

j) To promote equitable representation of fisher-peoples’ organizations in all relevant regional and international fora and advocate their recognition.

k) To play an active role to ensure that states and transnational corporations comply with relevant international agreements and to oppose any trade agreements that threaten the livelihood of fishers.

l) To prevent the export of resource collapse crises and of technologies and practices that lead to these crises.

m) To provide support for national and international struggles that are consistent with the objectives of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

n) To encourage, assist and support Fisher Peoples to organize themselves where they have not already done so.

o) To promote the right of Fisher Peoples to social security, safe working conditions, fair income and safety at sea, as well as their recognition as seafarers.

p) To improve the communication between Fisher Peoples and the scientific community through the exchange of knowledge and science.

q) To acknowledge and enhance the unique culture of fishing communities.

r) To restore our access to the rights and powers originally granted to us in the

charter of the United Nations.


Article 2: Member organizations

a) Organizations which comply with the objectives set out in Article 1 of this

Constitution may be members of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP). Subject to article 3, only one national organization per country may be a member. Such organizations must be democratically constituted and may include, but not be limited to, trade unions, associations, federations of cooperatives and aboriginal nations dependent on the fishery for their livelihood. They must represent one of the groups set out below:

1) Fish harvesters, i.e. any person directly engaged in fishing, known in different countries as:

I. Subsistence fishers;

II. Artisanal fishers;

III. Aboriginal or indigenous peoples who are customary fish harvesters;

IV. Traditional coastal and inland fishers;

V. Independent small scale owner-operators;

VI. Crew members in this sector.

2) Crew members of fishing units other than those mentioned above and

who are presently members of organizations listed under subsection a) above.

3) Broadly based (mass-based) organizations of fishing communities and women engaged in work in support of the fishery.

4) Fish workers who are engaged in activities related to the processing,

direct sale (excluding merchants) or transport of fish.

b) Corporations, transnational companies and allied affiliates owning fishing

vessels and engaged in harvesting, processing and distribution of fish and those carrying out destructive fishing or industrial aquaculture cannot be members of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

Article 3: Admission of Members

Only the Coordination Committee may admit member organizations. In exceptional cases, the Coordination Committee may, while respecting the objectives set out in Article 1 of this Constitution, admit as an member organization more than one national group per country if the organization represents a significant proportion of the groups or one of the groups listed in subsections 1) to 4) of Article 2 of this Constitution.

Article 4: Commitment

Every member organization of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) must formally accept and abide by this Constitution.

Article 5: Withdrawal of Members

Any member may withdraw from the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) by giving three (3) months notice to the Coordination Committee.

Article 6: Fees

The fee schedule as well as the method of payment shall be fixed by the Coordination Committee. In very exceptional circumstances, the Coordination Committee may waive the payment of fees by a particular member for a period of time.

Article 7: Suspension of Membership

a) The Coordination Committee may, after two reminders, suspend a member for non-payment of fees. Such suspension will be removed upon payment of the outstanding fees.

b) The Coordination Committee may suspend a member for actions detrimental to the objectives of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP), provided that the Coordination Committee allows the member reasonable opportunity for a hearing before any decision concerning a suspension is made.

c) No suspended member may take part in the work of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) or vote at the General Assembly.

d) Any suspension may be appealed to the General Assembly

Article 8: Expulsion

The General Assembly may expel a member organization for cause provided that:

a) Expulsion has been recommended by the appropriate Continental Council.

b) The Co-ordination Committee has given the member reasonable opportunity for a hearing into the actions giving rise to a consideration of expulsion.


Article 9: Forum Composition

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall consist of:

a) A General Assembly

b) A Coordination Committee

c) Five Continental Fora


Article 10: General Assembly

The General Assembly constitutes the highest authority of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

The General Assembly shall be composed of all of the delegates representing member organizations who attend that meeting. The Coordination Committee may permit organizations that are not members to send observers to the General Assembly.

Article 11: Functions of the General Assembly

The functions of the General Assembly are:

a) To officially interpret and to amend the Constitution of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

b) To discuss issues of common interest and adopt resolutions on subjects on the agenda, and to do so in a spirit of cooperation and exchange of ideas.

c) To decide on the action required to implement decisions and fulfill the objectives of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

d) To assign tasks or duties to the Coordination Committee.

e) To conduct elections as per the provisions of this Constitution

f) To ratify, annul or sanate actions and decisions made by the Coordination Committee and the Continental Councils.

Article 12: Member Representation at the General Assembly

a) Each country with at least one member organization organization shall be entitled to representation at the General Assembly by two delegates, one of whom shall be male and the other female.

b) Each member organization shall be entitled to nominate observers / alternate delegates to participate at the General Assembly with the right to speak.

c) The nomination of auditors, observers and alternative delegates must be approved by the Coordination Committee.

d) The out-going members of the Coordination Committee shall be delegates to the General Assembly in which the new officials take charge

Article 13: Designation of Delegates

a) Member organizations shall name their delegates in writing to the Coordination Committee not less than 90 days before the General Assembly takes place.

b) In the case of a country with more than one member organization, the organizations in the respective country shall try to agree on the delegates representation. In the event that the member organizations in the respective country are unable to agree on the delegates representation, they may refer the matter to the Coordination Committee for a binding decision.

Article 14: Decision Making Process

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall seek to make all decisions through consensus.

Article 15: Location of the General Assembly

Subject to any decision taken at a previous General Assembly, the General Assembly shall take place at a location to be fixed by the Coordination Committee.

Article 16: Frequency of the General Assembly

The General Assembly shall take place at least once every 3 years.


Article 17: Composition of the Coordination Committee

The Coordination Committee shall be composed of two Coordinators, one of whom shall be a woman and the other a man, the General Secretary, the Treasurer and Continental representatives as per the provisions of Article 18.

Article 18: Designation of Continental representatives

The Continental representatives of the Coordination Committee shall be designated in the following manner:

Two representatives (one female and one male) from each of the following Continents: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and South Pacific.

Article 19: Functions of the Coordination Committee

The Coordination Committee acts under the authority of the General Assembly and represents the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

Other than the duties that may be delegated by the General Assembly, the functions of the Coordination Committee are as follows:

a) Facilitate the creation of Continental Fora.

b) Plan and manage the activities of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

c) Organize the General Assembly.

d) Propose recommendations to be put to the General Assembly.

e) Implement measures decided upon by the General Assembly.

f) Represent the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) in dealings with other organizations.

g) Admit members in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

h) Report on its activities to the General Assembly.

i) Maintain close links among members of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) during periods when the General Assembly is not in session.

j) Take care of preparing a budget and managing finances of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) in accordance with Article 29 of this Constitution.

k) Generally, take any measures deemed necessary to attain the objectives set out in this Constitution.

Article 20: Term of Office of Coordination Committee Members

The mandate of Coordination Committee members shall be for the period until the next General Assembly. Normally the mandate will be for a term of three (3) years.

Article 21: Vacancies in the Coordination Committee.

a) If an member organization notifies the Coordination Committee that a member of the Coordination Committee no longer holds the position that provided the political base for his or her election to the Coordination Committee, this matter will be referred to the appropriate Continental Council. If the Continental Council determines that this notification is valid, the Continental Council shall be authorized to declare this position vacant.

b) If the circumstances described in a) or b) above involve a Coordinator, the General Secretary or the Treasurer, the Coordination Committee is authorized to take appropriate action.

c) The Coordination Committee is authorized to fill a vacancy in the position of Coordinator, General Secretary or Treasurer.

d) In the event of a vacancy in the position of Continental representative in the Coordination Committee, the appropriate Continental Council is authorized to fill the vacancy.

Article 22: Procedures

The Coordination Committee shall establish its own rules, decide on its own procedures and determine how often to meet. The Coordinators shall convene a special meeting any time when a two thirds of the Coordination Committee so request in writing.

Article 23: Functions of the Coordinators

a) To make all decisions jointly.

b) To convene the General Assembly and the Coordination Committee.

c) To preside over the General assembly and the Coordination Committee.

d) To coordinate the activities of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) according to this Constitution, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Coordination Committee.

e) To facilitate new membership to the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

f) To represent the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) at other national and international fora and to delegate others to do so.

g) Generally, to take any measures deemed necessary to attain the objectives set out in this Constitution, to be reported to and to be ratified by the Coordination Committee.

Article 24: Functions of the Treasurer

a) To handle all financial matters of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

b) To act according to the decision of the Coordination Committee.

c) To spend money as per decisions of the Coordination Committee on written instructions from the Coordinators collectively.

d) To have the accounts of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) independently audited every year.

Article 25: Duties of the General Secretary

a) To work under the direction of the Coordinators

b) To maintain an office of communication, animation and documentation

c) To keep official records of the WFFP

d) To carry out tasks assigned by the Coordination Committee

Article 26: Term of office

The term of office for the Coordinators, Treasurer and General Secretary shall be for a period of three years unless the timing of the next General Assembly dictates otherwise. No individual may be elected for more than two consecutive terms to any of these offices.


Article 27: Establishment of Continental Fora

a) The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) recognizes five Continental Fora in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Constitution.

b) Member organizations of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) in each of the continents mentioned in Article 18 form the respective Continental Forum.

c) Each Continental Forum shall decide upon its own structures and mode of operation respecting the Objectives contained in Article 1, and in accordance with other directives and spirit of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP). Such statutes are subject to the approval of the WFFP Coordination Committee.

d) The Continental Fora shall designate their representatives to the Coordination Committee.

Article 28: Continental Councils

a) Each Continental Forum shall have a Continental Council as its governing body with a Continental Coordinator and other officials deemed necessary.

b) The functions of the Continental Councils shall be to ensure the coordination and the consultation of member organizations in their respective continents, and the implementation of the programme of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).


Article 29: Financing

a) Revenues for the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall derive from:

1. Members fees;

2. Donations or grants deemed acceptable by the Coordination Committee;

3. Any other source deemed acceptable by the Coordination Committee.

b) The Coordination Committee shall not accept funds from large corporations or

any other body acting in a manner which is contrary to the objective of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP).

Article 30: Quorum

The quorum for the purpose of the meetings of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall be as follows:

a) General Assembly – Two thirds of the delegates

b) Coordination Committee – More than 50% of members of the Coordination Committee

Article 31: Dissolution

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) may be dissolved by a consensus.

Article 32: Offices

The offices of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall be located as determined from time to time by the Coordination Committee.

Article 33: Official Languages

The official languages of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) shall be English, French and Spanish.

Article 34: Interpretation

Between General Assemblies the Coordination Committee has authority in matters concerning the interpretation of this Constitution.

Article 35: Status

The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) is an independent organization.

By authority of the General Assembly, the Coordination Committee may undertake any measures deemed necessary to confer on the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) a juridical personality in accordance with the applicable laws of a country in which the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) carries out its activities.
